Thank you for your interest in supporting The Joshua L. Holmes Foundation.
The Foundation was created to honor Joshua Lavell Holmes, a loved and revered soul who made such an impact in his 30 years on earth that his name lives on even after his death.
You could see his gentle spirit in the way he loved his parents, in the way he teased his sister, in the way he embraced his friends and classmates, and in the way he looked at his daughter, Trinity.
He could always find the good in a person even if they couldn’t find it in themselves, and then he’d make you believe it. He is our real-life Superman, and we are blessed to have known him.
At the age of 27, Joshua was diagnosed with a rare form of cancer called Desmoplastic Small Round Cell Tumors. Like the Superman he was, he fought valiantly for nearly 3 years.
Joshua's passing left a huge hole in the hearts of his family and friends.
Since his death, Joshua's loved ones have been dedicated to recreating his brilliance through the Foundation.
The Joshua Lavell Holmes Foundation’s mission is to serve those impacted by a cancer diagnosis by providing financial resources, medical assistance, and more support.
As a family who knows all too well the struggles our son faced, we want to reassure other families, in the Imperial Valley and beyond, they do not have to go through this fight alone.
About Our
The Joshua Lavell Holmes Foundation’s mission is to serve those impacted by a cancer diagnosis by providing financial resources, medical assistance, and more support. The organization is dedicated to bring communities together to help patients and their families facing this life-threatening disease feel less alone in the fight.
The Joshua Lavell Holmes Foundation works with resource centers to help educate, screen, and treat communities across the Imperial Valley. The organization aims to spread awareness in the form of fundraisers, scholarships, and community outreach.
We are committed to fostering hope, and improving the lives of those in the battle of their lives.

The Joshua Lavell Holmes 3v3 Basketball Classic is the Joshua Lavell Holmes Foundation’s annual flagship event. The Classic is held in remembrance of Joshua Holmes, who was a force on and off the court. Since his death, his loved ones have been dedicated to continuing his impact on the community and carrying on his legacy in and around the Imperial Valley. Funds raised at the 3v3 Classic helps the Foundation accomplish its mission of being a resource for cancer caregivers, cancer research centers, and for exceptional students making a difference in their communities. Together we can ease the burden of the battle, one family at a time.